Our STOP-MO-TEC MODULAR PLUG IN WIRE ARMATURE SYSTEM is available as armature kits and single block components and offers several powerful features to boost your workflow and make stop-motion-Puppetfabrication more comfortable and efficient.
How much these features apply depends on materials and techniques used in the puppetfabrication process.
The advantages of our plug in System compared to regular wire armatures include:
fast armature construction - no long drying or hardening times involved
simple to handle but effective when in use - even beginners can build their own stop-motion-armature
easy repair / exchange of broken wire joints or parts
the modular system enables you to work on several puppet-parts at the same time. Feet can be sculpted while the hands or arms are baking in the oven and the torso is at the taylors place.
wirejoints and parts can be created in different strength like a stronger and a softer pair of legs and exchanged without problems if the script, scene, task of the puppet or animator demands it.
the plug-in slots can be used for replacement parts like growing, shrinking or transforing limbs
the plug-in system lets you fine adjust the length of the wirejoints / parts. This comes in handy to correct the length of the legs for example or to adjust your armature to fit into a mold without touching the walls
all parts of the armature kit system can be unscrewed and removed. This is very helpful when it comes to dress and undress the final animation-puppet with fabric clothes. big heads usually do not fit thru tight collars and big hands not thru thin sleeves etc.
parts like arms, hands, legs and heads can be casted separately and attached to the puppet / armature afterwards
RIGGING: all bodyblocks come with standard slots for stop-motion-rig attachement
minimal-Invasive access to the system blocks inside the final stop-motion character: all blocks come with M3 grub screws (hex diameter SW 1,5mm) to make sure whenever you need to "stab" your puppet for a repair it will only leave the smallest possible holes
Tie downs can be accessed from above and below the set. Block G also works with magnet tie downs
Stop-Mo-Tec stop-motion-armature-blocks are durable, professional Equipment and can be re-used on several animationprojects over the years.
What kind of wire do I need for my stop-motion puppet ?
Our Plug-in-Wire-Armature-System works with Steeltubes which have an inner diameter of 5mm.
This way all wires with a maximum diameter of 4,9mm can be used.
To build armatures for posable stop-motion characters a special armature wire is used.
The wire-diameter you need for your stop-frame-character depends the height and the weight of your final animation puppet. The wire should be strong enough to support your puppet and hold it´s weight in every position.
This is the minimum diameter but you can choose one size bigger if your animator prefers stronger wires rather than a softer one.
You can use one thick strand or 2 or more thinner ones. Twisting wires is an option not a must.
For puppets with a height of 30cm / 12" and more we usually use 2x2.5mm or 1x4mm for legs,
2x2mm for arms, 2x2.5mm or 1x4mm for the back and 2x2mm or 2x1.5mm for the neck, depending on the size and weight of the head.
On smaller puppets we use 2X2mm or 2x2.5mm for legs and 1.5mm for arms, 2x2.5mm fpr the back and 2x2mm or 2x1.5mm for the neck.
For fingers usually 1x1.5mm or 1x1mm.
But there is no universal formula, every puppet has different proportions, size and weight and therfor requires an individual armature.
Since the system allows you to easily change wires without bigger problems you can simply create several limbs in different sizes and replace them when needed.
How big or small are the Stop-Mo-Tec Blocks ?
Move your mousepointer over the block images in our SHOP and all technical data will appear. This also works for several other items.
How long does shipping take ?
We ship immediately after receiving your payment.
Shipping Times are:
Germany ca. 2 - 3 Days
Europe: ca. 3 - 7 Days
World: ca. 5 - 14 Days
Where / how can I order a Stop-Motion Ball and Socket Armature ?
We only machine custom Ball and Socket Armatures based on Clients specifications / characterdrawings.
Prices for professional full ball and socket based custom armatures start at 350,00 EUR (with support for wire wrists and hands) and depend on type and amount of joints and extras used in the setup.
If you´re interested in our Custom Armature Service or have further Questions please contact us